As we wrap up the year, we reflect on the happenings and innovations that has helped the C-Valley region grow and innovate. We’ve had quite the year with everything from grand openings to national award nominations to project updates and more. Catch up on all that’s happened in 2022, below!
The Wyoming Innovation Center officially opened on June 14, 2022. The 9.5-acre site, located in northeast Wyoming’s coal-rich “C-Valley” region, is home to companies and researchers developing commodities like asphalt, graphene, graphite, agricultural char, carbon fiber and more—using coal and coal byproducts.
The C-Valley region holds 165 billion tons of recoverable coal, making it a desirable testbed for new products developed from coal. Research done at the WyIC fosters innovative thinking and technologies, while also providing a cleaner environment and ultimately strengthen the C-Valley economy and community. that will help transform the coal industry and contribute to solving the global climate crisis. Learn more about the WyIC here:
In November, the Wyoming Test Center (ITC) became the 15th carbon capture research facility — and the largest in the U.S. — inducted into the International Test Center Network, a decade-old coalition whose members represent Europe, Asia, and Australia. This recognition demonstrates that the ITC is at the forefront of research and plays a major role in the global deployment of carbon capture and carbon utilization technologies.
The Wyoming Test Center (ITC) is located at Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s Dry Fork Station, seven miles north of Gillette, Wyoming. The Center expects to be booming with new activities in 2023 as finding solutions to carbon emissions becomes more pertinent. Learn more about the ITC here:
C-Valley has been recognized as the ultimate destination for discovering cleaner, alternative uses for coal and other fossil fuels. The region is home to several state-of-the-art coal research facilities The energy space is moving towards a greener and cleaner future. C-Valley’s mission is to help lead the way there through pioneering research to power the world with cleaner, alternative uses for coal and other fossil fuels. Learn more about C-Valley here:
The Wyoming CarbonSAFE project is one of thirteen carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) project sites in the U.S. funded by the DOE. In the beginning of the year, the project team began drilling a second deep test well for site characterization. The second well will lead to valuable information to fully characterize a second carbon storage site in Wyoming — taking another step toward building a carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) industry in the state
A special thank you to Curtis Burdette, vice president of operations for Energy Capital Economic Development, for his dedication and hard work during his time with the organization. He has worked tirelessly over the last three years to support ECED in meeting and exceeding its goals. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, Curtis!
From groundbreaking new developments to progress within the clean coal industry, 2022 was an exciting year… Thanks for being part of it all!